Saturday, June 25, 2011

dhikr morning and evening

Al-ma'tsurat is dhikr morning and evening that didawamkan by the Prophet Muhammad.This is important because Alma'tsurat read the morning before we start the activity, itmakes us to always remember Allah and ask protection from Allah SWT. Dzkir later in the evening when these times is when we will enter the turn of the day after a day of activitiesand we Begging and Pleading Mercy Prayer to Allah SWT and is exemplified by RasullullahSAW.
more details download here.


By Agus Widarsono

Competitive business environment demands professionally managed company. Selection of the vision, mission, and the right business strategy will facilitate the company achieve its goals if it is supported by human resource strategy, corporate structure and culture are right for you. Challenges faced by human resource profession, whether that comes from within and from outside the organization needs to be handled. As human resourceprofessionals need to respond to the challenges it faces through one of the HR performance measurement approaches and find out how to contribute human resources toorganizational performance. The approach which is the theme of concern in the HumanResources Scorecard.
Key word: human resources, business strategy, HR Scorecard, Human capital scorecard,performance
more details download here. 

METHOD IN THE CASE OF HUNGARY minimization and its application

Thesis Trio Sungkowo Andi
Problem determination (assignment) is one of the transportation problem is a special caseof linear programming problems. To solve the problem of determination usually usecommon methods is by means of permutations of n facilities to n pieces of work.
So that would be obtained n! or an alternative way of setting. This method is easy to do if nis small, but when it comes to large n these methods are less effective, because they have to find an alternative of n! fruit likely to be selected. Therefore we need another method tosolve the problem determination.
The purpose of this study is to explain how to solve the problem determination on the case of the same row with chopped chopped column (m = n) and in special cases by using themethod of Hungary.
more details download here.

Production Planning and Control

Production Planning and Control
Production Planning course will involve many stakeholders in determining how much money will be used or spent for the production of the particular period Prepare a budgetplan production of the first things to be determined are:
1. establish policies on inventory levels 
2. Plan production quantities of each type of product during the budget period.
3. Create a production schedule for a shorter periosde

General considerations in the production plan

The production plan is not just a set amount of product and wktu appropriately in the implementation period, but his plan na production also showed a close relationship withpanjualan budget as a basis for planning the various aspects of the production function.
more details download here. 


The core of the post-optimal analysis in the study of the general simplex table given in theform of a matrix.
Sensitivity analysis will study the effects of changes in the objective function coefficients and/ or the amount of available resources. more details download here.

defenitions of manufacturer overhead costs

Overhead costs are the costs of indirect materials, indirect labor and indirect costs ofothers is not easy to identify. A wide range of factory overhead costs should be charged toall work done during a period. Therefore, in order to charge the cost of factory overheadequally to each of the products used factory overhead rate is determined in advance.
more details download here.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Cost Of Sales

(Beginning inventory of finished goods + Cost of Production - Ending inventory of finished goods.)
Direct material costs are all expenses or expenses for the use of materials that becomepart of the finished product. For example, a direct material in the cigarette business is:
• Cost of raw materials: tobacco, tobacco paper rollers, sauces, wrapping material.
• Cost of helper / maid: fuel oil, lubricants, water, and electricity used for production.

Direct labor costs are all costs incurred for workers who are directly involved in the manufacture of a product. This is called wage costs (not salaries) because payment is onlybased on the calculation of output, hours, or days of work they provide in the production process.

Factory overhead is indirect factory costs, ie all expenditure incurred in the plant that can not be connected directly to the manufacturing process. No other factory overhead costsare all costs other than direct materials and direct labor.
The cost of the plant overhhead include:
 Rent a factory fixed assets (building factories, cars, computers, etc.)
 Depreciation, repairs, and maintenance of fixed assets of the factory (the factory building, machinery, equipment, automobiles, computers, etc.)
 Salary production manager, engineering manager, supervisor, secretary of the activitiesrelated to production, etc..
 general and administrative costs the plant (office stationery, telephone, cleaning, etc.)
 fixed plant property insurance

The Cost Of Production

For the company's factory / manufacturing, the cost of production (HPP) or there is also a call cost of production is all it costs to produce a product / service to be sold during the period. So in essence no different from the prices or costs for finished goods for sale.
Production costs, relating to the calculation of the cost of production or cost of goods soldis often called, consists of:
- The cost of direct materials
- The cost of direct labor
- Overhead costs (for goods produced in a factory called factory overhead)

Initial stock of intermediate goods used raw materials + wages + direct labor +manufacturing overhead costs - the end of semi-finished goods inventories of rawmaterials used = Beginning inventory + purchases - ending inventory
If the direct materials plus the direct wage costs is called the Primary
Direct wages plus the cost of factory overhead is called Conversion. For manufacturing companies, cost of conversion can be considered a direct cost to convert the material into a final product.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Resource Requirements Planning

Now we will discuss about the Resource Requirements Planning (RRP). The steps in theresource requirements are as follows:

1. Get Production Plan

2.Determining the Structure of Product
Determining  Bill Of Resources

4. Calculating Total Resource Requirements
5. Evaluating the plan that has been done

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Production Planning

Actually, what is production planning? Maybe this is often a fundamental question in thefield of manufacturing systems. Yupz, which is the planning of production is the productioncapability Determine, with regard to the resources available. Then Doing partnershipmeeting with the relevant managers. This is an important activity for the productionplanning activity at the highest hierarchical by top management).
Production plans are made will be based on total demand, in accordance with the formulaas follows:
(Request Total - Beginning Inventory) + End Inventory
If we Rundown Kebawahnya is a daily production plan then the formula is:
Monthly Production Plan / Number of Business Days One Month).
Once we get the value of daily production then we can calculate the cycle time or cycletime, namely with the following formula:
Cycle Time (CycleTime) = Available Working Hours Per Day / Daily Production
There are several alternative strategies Perancanaan production such as:
A. level Method
characteristics ie uneven distribution in production, maintaining the stability of theproduction, use varied inventory to accumulate total output if the excess demand.
2.Chase Strategy
maintain the stability of inventory, production varies following the total demand.
3.Compromise strategy
that is a compromise between the two strategies above.

Well that was some review of production planning in manufacturing systems.

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